Guy DiTorrice |
Greetings Fossil Fans: Here is an invitation to attend one of the Oregon Fossil Guy's beach combing field trips on the beach at Newport. Yes, there is a fee for this wonderful educational experience with your guided professional.
Oregon Fossil Guy's Upcoming beach fossil field trips in the Newport area include:
Sunday July 13 8:00 am Moolack Beach (north of Newport in paved parking lot past Moolack Shores Motel)
Tuesday July 22 5:30 pm Beverly Beach State Park (meet in the day-use parking area west of the entrance)
Look for his dark-green jeep with the FOSSIL sign in the window. Only $39 per person [payable to "Guy DiTorrice"] with all collection supplies included (canvas collecting bag, gloves, brush, magnifying glass) and your collected specimens are identified, bagged and labeled. Participants receive a printed copy of the new fossil-collecting rules and the OSU Sea Grant fact sheet "Fossils You Can Find on Oregon Beaches". You provide solid footwear for walking on slick/mossy rock, large cobbles and long stretches of sandy beach as well as layered clothes, with recent foggy conditions making it a bit cool here.
Please pass this invitation along to any other fossil fan of interest and let him know any days or dates of interest to you. Hope to see you here.
Guy DiTorrice aka "Oregon Fossil Guy"
PO Box 1643
Newport OR 97365
[720] 326-3573 cell/text