Thursday, January 21, 2010

Oregon Carnelian Agate at it's very Best!

Best Carnelian we have seen yet! The photo shows it wet to better see the true color. Frank just found this beauty yesterday here on Oregon's Central Coast. It does not get any better than this. This beauty Pigeon blood RED agate measured 3'' long and weighed in at over 1/4 pound of the purest red you have ever seen.

He also had these other trophy pieces as well but this carnelian is beeeautiful!The carnelian agate upper left, center top sard agate (yellow/gold was backlit for translucency) and the others are fancy jasper. The photos here were taken wet to better see their colors.

I was invited out for a tour with a small group of folks yesterday morning for their TV film shoot of agate hunting at Newport. We were treated to an hour and 1/2 on the beach before the rain started. A good time was had by all finding a multitude of fossils, jasper, a piece of bloodstone, sea glass and agate. This 2 minute shot will appear the first week of February on FOX 12 Oregon Beach Vacations, February segment.